Thursday 28 February 2013

Kid in a candy store

I recently discovered these raw uncut garnets and went home with a handful! A handful of sheer plum bliss!

I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with them, but I knew I had to take a handful home.

What I love most about them is that 'kid feeling' I get when I hold a handful. Those memories of collecting shells on the beach and treasuring each as your most precious treasure. I remember on one of my first trips to Namibia whilst visiting relatives on a farm, I collected rose quartz in the riverbed. As a ten year old girly girl, what could be more precious and valuable than pink stones!

These garnet rings are just fun!

Sunday 24 February 2013

Peak at the past weeks pearls...

My biggest challenge this past week has been to organize my ideas that I have into a collection of series. I have been so overwhelmed by an overload of ideas that I have, and my two little hands are just too slow to get round to everything I'd like to try. So I dedicated the past week to my humble little pearl collection.

Much like my overload of ideas was overwhelming, I find an entire string of pearls just as overwhelming! So I decided to add just small accents of pearls to fine silver chains and some silver shapes. Perhaps when I'm 85 I'll be able to confidently wear a full string of pearls like my grandmother : )

Hope you all enjoy the pearls.

Next week - something new : )

Sunday 17 February 2013

Twiddling thumbs

I spent January setting up my studio, and officially started working productively on the 4th of February when my gas bottles and fittings finally arrived from SA.

My husband has been working out of town for the past month, so I haven't really had anyone keeping an eye on me ; ). Working from home takes some getting use to! The battle of house chores vs. food channel vs. workbench... And the habit of making a cup of tea every hour, just because I can ; )

But I am proud to report that after two official weeks of working (and some thumb twiddling...) I have a few comissions that I have finished.

Anniversary rings for my beautiful friends, romantic wedding bands for a verrrry excited couple getting married in March and finally a ring for Tannie Saartjie.

Now, for my first cup of tea : )


My first official blog

My first official blog.

So. Where to start.

In a nutshell.

I am young. I am married to my best friend. I am a South African who now calls Namibia home. And I have a degree that allows me to call myself a 'jeweller'.

I have a studio at home where I create little stories out of silver and gold and collected stones.

I like to play housewife at home, but I love what my studio allows me to do. My space to create and play.

This blog is about sharing. Sharing the little stories from my studio. Tiny, sparkly, precious stories.

Thank you to my talented friend, Isabella Brandalise for the beautiful logo. Graphic designer, chocolate enthusiast and wonderful friend!

And so.  With a little intro done it's time for me to get back to the bench this week and start a new range : )

Ciao x